Four Basic Forces

  • Gravity: keeps our feet on the ground, the earth in its orbit, the galaxies in their places
  • Electromagnetic: radio waves, light, as well as the molecules of chemistry;
  • “Strong” Nuclear force: holds the atom together
  • “Weak Nuclear force”: radioactivity, the heat of the sun, etc.

The first two decrease in strength inversely with the square of the distance between two objects; The last two act only at very short ranges.

The nucleus of every atom is held together by what physicists call “weak”
and “strong” forces. The nucleus of the atom contains positively charged
and neutral particles—to use a simplistic model. Mutual electrostatic
repulsion between the positrons would drive the nucleus apart if it were
not for the “strong” nuclear force which binds the nucleus together.

Opposites attract and likes repel. Jesus is keeping the like charges in the nucleus of every atom from repelling each other. When He refrains a nuclear boom will result.