
Abousso – bottomless pit

Ammon – those who prey upon the Church

AD – Anno Domini; “In the year of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Apostasy  turning away from God

BC – before Christ

Believe on  relying on, and having it bear fruit

Coincidence is God working undercover

Christ  Messiah (the anointed one)

Crown of thorns – symbol of the curse

Cult claim to be Christian and are not (ex. Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Mormons – their beliefs are not biblical)

Cup portion of a burden

Divination seeking to interpret the future by omens

Doctrine of Balaam if you can’t beat them, join them;  introduce corruption

Edom – flesh lusting against the spirit

Egypt – the world

Eve mother of all living, life-giver

Forgive – to remove a burden; pictured by the Scapegoat on Yom Kippur

Gehenna – the “lake of fire” that is the ultimate destiny of the unsaved temporarily held in Hades or Sheol

Gold – Deity, Kingship

Goodbye – God be with you

Grace getting what you don’t deserve

Guile – deception

Hades – (Greek) location of departed souls, synonymous with Sheol (Hebrew)

Hope certainty about God’s promises of the future

Hosanna  Save now, I pray thee

Impute – to put on account; when we confess our sins, God cancels our debt, making them no longer on account

Iniquity absence of law; twisted; describes what happens to the inner character of the sinner

Kenosis having the mind of Christ relating to servanthood

Leaven sin, it corrupts by puffing up

Magog a people; Gog a demon title

Mercy not getting what you do deserve

Natural Man unsaved man

Nazarite  set apart by having long hair, not having anything related to grapes, and not going near the dead as a commitment to God

Occult  blatant non Christian

Oil symbol of the Holy Spirit, oil fuels the light of the Holy Spirit

Ostensibly apparently, but not really so

Philistine – the unconverted men in the world (Philistines originated in Egypt)

Priest – presents the people to God

Prophet is God’s representative to the people

Propitiate to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of

Rapture  caught up; Harpazo (Greek) as used in the Latin Bible

Rebuke  an expression of strong disapproval; reprimand, criticize sharply, reprove, to turn back or keep down -check

Rejoicing living in the will of God, trusting the Lord

Reproach  expression of rebuke or disapproval; discredit, disgrace

Reprove  to scold or correct; to express disapproval of

Sin falling short of God’s perfection; to not live up to God’s standards; to miss the mark

Sea people who do not know God

Sheol – (Hebrew) location of departed souls, synonymous with Hades (Greek)

Silver Blood, Priesthood

Sorcery seeking to gain power from evil spirits

Soul self-consciousness, our personality, emotions, & will

Spirit God-consciousness

Tartarus – place of incarceration of the angels that sinned in Genesis 6

Tabernacle  palace of the king

Transgression – crossing over the line; a form of rebellion against God

Trespass violation of known law

Truth When the deed meets the Word; the truth is in the details

Vicar in place of, the Pope calls himself the vicar of Christ

Weeping and gnashing of teeth extreme disappointment

Witchcraft seeking to control others through communication with evil spirits