David – a picture of Jesus Christ

  • Both were born in Bethlehem
  • David was initially rejected by Saul and the people but was eventually received and made King, just as Christ was initially rejected by the Jews and will eventually be received when He returns to reign
  • David was anointed king years before he was permitted to reign, just
    as Christ is King (and took back what was His on the cross) but will not reign on earth until Satan is banished
  • David was sent by his father to the battlefield, just as Christ was sent by the Father to this world
  • King Saul can be considered a type of Satan
    • Saul was rejected and defeated yet permitted to reign until David came to the throne, just as Satan is permitted to persecute God’s people yet one day he too will be defeated.
  • Goliath illustrates Satan in his pride and power
    • Luke 11:21-22
      • Satan is the strong man guarding his goods (people under his control)
      • Christ is the Stronger Man who overcomes him.
    • Christ invaded Satan’s kingdom, overcame his power, took his armor, and now is dividing his spoils by saving lost souls and making them children of God.
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